Your health, safety and wellbeing remain our priority. In keeping with recommendations from public health agencies and our regulatory bodies, we have SUSPENDED all in office patient visits, effective immediately, until further notice. This has not been an easy decision, however, protecting everyone’s health and wellness is key during this time.
Naturopathic Care
Naturopathic care is now available only via virtual care/telemedicine or telephone consultation only. We will be contacting you if you have an upcoming appointment to arrange the virtual appointment. Naturopathic Care is being delivered using our online platform Doxy is a private portal that is compliant with all Canadian and privacy standards. It enables us to speak freely by video through your computer. Doxy simply requires a link that we will send to you, just prior to your scheduled appointment time. You will click on the link at the time of your appointment and be placed in a virtual waiting room. At your scheduled time, I will bring you into our appointment. You will need a webcam on your computer. We’ve worked with this system previously and it is a simple option that I think you will enjoy! If there are any internet connectivity issues with, we also have the option of a telephone appointment.
Psychotherapy Care
Is available by booking with Vivian Noehring directly by contacting her at [email protected]. All appointments booked online will be virtual appointments only.
Osteopathic Manual Therapy Care
Is temporarily suspended until further notice.
Acupuncture Care
Is temporarily suspended until further notice
Injection Therapy
Is temporarily suspended until further notice